
Twitter Will Publish Tweet Recommendation Code & Make Account/Tweet Status Visible in Coming Weeks

Twitter Will Publish Tweet Recommendation Code & Make Account/Tweet Status Visible in Coming Weeks
Twitter will publish a tweet recommendation code and make account/tweet status visible in the coming weeks. The platform strives for transparency as it is the key to the trust of its users.

Progress in the development of Twitter continues. Some of the updates are already active and delight users, increasing their satisfaction with using the platform on a daily basis, while others are in development and will be implemented gradually as soon as they are completed. One of the very long-awaited and highly desired updates is “true account status,” which shows if any restrictions are imposed on the account, and if so, what ones and how they can be removed. On Friday, Elon Musk announced that this feature should appear no later than next month—that is, in a few weeks.

In addition, he wrote that the platform will publish tweet recommendation code, probably to make it as clear as possible how the platform affects tweet recommendation for the public. Clearly, Twitter has rules that, if followed or broken, will affect whether a tweet is recommended to other users of the platform or not.

Previously, Twitter did not work transparently, which is well known to most of its active users. Anyone who has spent any amount of time daily on the platform and actively participated in various discussions has at least heard, and in many cases personally encountered, cases where the activity of certain user accounts seemed to be hidden. The recently published Twitter Files confirmed the worst fears: platform employees could secretly carry out various manipulations with accounts, imposing various restrictions on them, while the users themselves remained completely unaware of what was happening. However, the company has always denied doing so.

In early December, Elon Musk explained that Twitter was working on a software update that would add the ability to receive account status information that would show if an account's tweets were banned, the reason for the ban, and how a user can appeal it. The introduction of this feature will bring transparency that Twitter has always lacked and help users improve their communication on the platform by improving themselves and avoiding behavior prohibited by the rules. This will inevitably lead to Twitter becoming a convenient place for dialogue, discussion, learning, entertainment, and more.

© 2023, Eva Fox | Tesmanian. All rights reserved.


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Article edited by @SmokeyShorts; follow him on Twitter

About the Author

Eva Fox

Eva Fox

Eva Fox joined Tesmanian in 2019 to cover breaking news as an automotive journalist. The main topics that she covers are clean energy and electric vehicles. As a journalist, Eva is specialized in Tesla and topics related to the work and development of the company.

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