
Tesla Urges Oklahomans to Continue Fighting a Detrimental Bill in their State

Tesla Urges Oklahomans to Continue Fighting a Detrimental Bill in their State

Photo: Tesla

Tesla has turned to Oklahomans again as the state once again tries to play a foul game against the manufacturer by sacrificing its residents. The new bill aims to make it impossible for consumers in the state to buy, service, and even receive OTA updates of their Tesla vehicles in Oklahoma.

In February 2022, Tesla, along with the residents of Oklahoma, was able to stop a detrimental bill—HB 3994—proposed in the Oklahoma State Legislature. However, the state does not stop in its attempts to ban any Tesla activity in Oklahoma, and it will be the residents of the state who will suffer. Bill 512 is new legislation that passed out of committee last week and will now go before the full House of Representatives for a vote.

"Similar to HB 3994, Senate Bill 512 is a detrimental bill that could be interpreted as outlawing EV manufacturers like Tesla from servicing cars in Oklahoma and is currently being considered by members of the House of Representatives. Contact your legislators today and encourage him or her to vote NO on SB 512 now," wrote Tesla, addressed to Oklahomans.

SB 512 is new legislation that was passed by the committee and will now be voted on by the full House of Representatives. If passed, the bill could force Tesla to close its existing locations in Oklahoma and even prevent Tesla from offering over-the-air software updates to residents of the state. In the narrow desire of dealers to earn as much money as possible, freedom of choice and the right to receive service in their home state for its residents is put on the sacrificial altar. Instead of shamelessly suppressing fair competition and limiting consumer choice, Oklahoma should focus on increasing income and jobs in the state.

Tesla is asking Oklahomans to use specified tools to send a message to their State Representative and Governor sharing what this bill means to them and why it is bad for Oklahoma. "Tell them your story as an EV owner in Oklahoma and let them know that you OPPOSE SB 512," Tesla wrote.

© 2022, Eva Fox | Tesmanian. All rights reserved.


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Article edited by @SmokeyShorts, you can follow him on Twitter

About the Author

Eva Fox

Eva Fox

Eva Fox joined Tesmanian in 2019 to cover breaking news as an automotive journalist. The main topics that she covers are clean energy and electric vehicles. As a journalist, Eva is specialized in Tesla and topics related to the work and development of the company.

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