Elon Musk and his mother, Maye Musk, spent New Year's Eve at Tesla’s Fremont factory. The CEO of the EV automaker was spotted helping with last-minute Model 3 deliveries.
Elon Musk worked side-by-side with other Tesla personnel at the Fremont Factory on the eve of 2020. They all tried their best to get Model 3s into the hands of Tesla reservation holders before tax credits for electric vehicles in the United States expired.
Thanks all Tesla club members for helping out! Looking forward to seeing you there tomorrow. ❤️
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) December 31, 2019
Elon Musk has announced he would be helping with deliveries at the Fremont Factory via Twitter. He thanked Tesla club members for their support and aid with the deliveries in his post. Musk showed the same drive and work ethic when he helped with deliveries on New Year's Eve.
There were a couple shots taken by Tesla employee @Ryanth3nerd of Elon Musk diligently helping customers with their new electric cars. According to a Twitter post by @silviavary, the queue for the Tesla reservation holders at the Fremont Factory was still quite long at around 5pm, only several hours before New Year’s Eve.
Wow! It’s almost 5pm on New Year’s Eve and the lines at the Fremont @Tesla Factory to pick up cars are still going crazy strong @teslaownersSV pic.twitter.com/Oo8nsMSI68
— Silvia Avary (@silviavary) January 1, 2020
2019 isn’t the first time Elon Musk has helped with deliveries on New Year’s Eve. He also helped with last-minute deliveries last year in 2018. Visiting the Fremont Factory and helping with Tesla deliveries seems to have become a sort of tradition for Elon Musk on New Year's. And this year, his mother Maye joined him.
It is unclear if Maye Musk was also at Fremont to help with Model 3 deliveries. However, she did provide some much-needed holiday cheer and motherly support to everyone in the midst of Model 3 handovers.
@Tesla #Fremont 🤗🤗 pic.twitter.com/wjjIYDssJa
— Maye Musk (@mayemusk) January 1, 2020
Elon Musk's down-to-Earth behavior is part of the reason Tesla has such a committed community. It is clear that Maye Musk has a lot to do with the Tesla CEO’s approachable demeanor and charisma. All of us at Tesmanian wish the Musk family a Happy New Year and thank all of you for your hard work and efforts to make Earth a better home for all of humanity. Thank you for restoring our faith in humanity over and over again.
Nice to meet you @mayemusk thank you for being an awesome mother and raising amazing kids. I look forward to reading your book. pic.twitter.com/S1Fcsprvt9
— Ryan (@Ryanth3nerd) January 1, 2020
Tesmanian would also like to thank the Tesla community for their support and guidance. This blog means a lot to us, and we appreciate all the good vibes you all send our way. Happy New Year!
.@elonmusk spent time taking care of customers tonight in Fremont. Video from @CarolineGee8 pic.twitter.com/unN5ggAVqH
— Tesla Owners Silicon Valley (@teslaownersSV) January 1, 2020
Featured Image Credit: @Ryanth3nerd/Twitter
About the Author
Claribelle Deveza
Longtime writer and news/book editor. Writing about Tesla allows me to contribute something good to the world, while doing something I love.