SpaceX Crew Dragon, named “Resilience” by the crew chosen for the mission, is ready for the Crew-1 Mission launch set for the date of November 14th PST to take four astronauts of the Expedition 64 to the ISS.
Crew-1 has named their Dragon spacecraft. Welcome to the family, Dragon #Resilience.
— Chris G - NSF (@ChrisG_NSF) September 29, 2020
This “Crew Dragon”, to be called “Dragon Rider” but is now Dragon 2 , is part of the SpaceX Dragon capsule class family. It is actually not one of the 14 vessels in the “Cargo Dragon” family, also known as Dragon 1 or Dragonlab, but a new capsule designated for human crew. As of now there appears to be four Crew Dragons produced.
The Crew-1, having completed it’s processing, is currently at NASA awaiting the upcoming scheduled flight on a Falcon 9 rocket, launch pad LC-39A, at the Kennedy Space Center.
The Crew Dragon Resilience spacecraft arrived at @NASA's Kennedy Space Center on Thursday after completing processing ahead of the SpaceX Crew-1 launch scheduled for Nov. 14:
— Michael Sheetz (@thesheetztweetz) November 6, 2020
Resilience, will carry to the ISS, the crew of American astronauts Shannon Walker, Michael Hopkins, Victor Glover, along with Japanese astronaut Soichi Noguchi on board. This is the second mission carrying humans and the first mission carrying another country’s astronaut aboard a Dragon.
👨🏻🚀👩🏾🚀👨🏼🚀Grab your spacesuit! We’re inviting YOU to our #LaunchAmerica virtual #NASASocial for the @SpaceX Crew-1 mission on Nov. 14.
— NASA Social (@NASASocial) November 2, 2020
OPEN NOW: Join space fans around the world for tours of @NASAKennedy & hear from experts as we preview this historic launch:
You don’t want to miss this monumental flight! Stay tuned! 💫