Model Y Deliveries

More Tesla Model Y Shipments Arrived To Ontario & Ready To Deliver To Canadian Owners

More Tesla Model Y Shipments Arrived To Ontario & Ready To Deliver To Canadian Owners

Featured image: @TeslaMilton / Twitter

Tesla continues to ramp up Models delivery to Canada. Shortly, Ontario reservation holders will receive their long-awaited cars. 

Reservation owners in Vancouver have already begun to receive their Model Ys. Deliveries to Toronto Oakville should begin today or tomorrow, and Ontario residents will also receive their Model Y soon.

Tesla North reports that their reader, @TeslaMilton, sent them photos of Blue Metallic Model Ys that were parked near the Tesla store in Oakville. Three Model Y AWD with 20-inch Induction wheels are parked on the side of the store.

Source: @TeslaMilton / Twitter

Photos taken today, June 17th. @TeslaMilton says the new Model Ys still had wrap on steering wheels and stickers on seats, hinting they had just arrived. At the moment, it remains unknown whether these Model Ys will be sent to showrooms or delivered to the first customers in the province.

Drive Tesla Canada reports that the three Model Y’s pictured up close here all have Vehicle Identification Numbers (VINs) in the 11XXX range, as seen in this picture shared with Drive Tesla. If you already have your VIN, one of these could be yours! One of the Model Y’s shows a manufacturing date of just two weeks ago, June 3, 2020.

Source:  Drive Tesla Canada

Tesla North also reports that Model Y Performance is also on site at Toronto-Oakville and it has been “tagged as customer delivery.” Last week, some reservation holders in Canada received delivery reports within 1-2 weeks.

"Tesla Update - We currently expect your Model Y to be ready for delivery 1 - 2 weeks from today. Once your Model Y starts moving to your delivery center, we will reach out to schedule your delivery appointment. Please note that your delivery may be earlier than this estimation if a vehicle with your configuration becomes available."

Some Ontario Model Y reservation holders have also received their VINs from Tesla, which allude to upcoming deliveries.

Apparently Tesla is activating Model Y delivery in both the US and Canada. This suggests that Tesla preparing for another quarter-end push.

Despite the fact that for more than a month in the 2Q 2020, the Tesla factory in Fremont was closed due to the Covid-19 lockdown, the company seeks to manufacture and deliver as many cars as possible. Apparently, Tesla will once again surprise us with high rates that testify to the strength of the company's mission and perseverance in achieving it.

H/T Tesla North / Twitter

About the Author

Eva Fox

Eva Fox

Eva Fox joined Tesmanian in 2019 to cover breaking news as an automotive journalist. The main topics that she covers are clean energy and electric vehicles. As a journalist, Eva is specialized in Tesla and topics related to the work and development of the company.

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