
Tesla Autopilot Demonstrates Ability to Predict & Avoid an Accident the Human Driver Couldn't Know Was Coming

Tesla Autopilot Demonstrates Ability to Predict & Avoid an Accident the Human Driver Couldn't Know Was Coming

Tesla's Autopilot once again demonstrated its technological prowess, as the driver assistance system successfully avoided a collision with several involved cars.

Active safety features are standard on all Tesla vehicles built after September 2014, providing an additional layer of safety beyond the physical structure of the vehicle. The company uses data from all of its vehicles on the road to better understand how accidents happen. After analyzing the data, Tesla continues to develop features that help Tesla drivers mitigate or avoid accidents.

A driver from Virginia, U.S. was shocked when his Tesla, with Autopilot activated, suddenly deviated from the course and began to leave the lane it was in. Within a few seconds, he realized that the car in front suddenly braked, which caused a major multi-car accident, reported Nieuwsblad.

Most incredibly, Autopilot identified a dangerous situation even before the accident actually happened. The incident was captured by the on-board camera of the electric vehicle and, according to the timeframe, the collision occurred after the Tesla left the danger zone. This underlines the fact that Autopilot was able to predict a dangerous situation and save the car and its passengers from it.

Cameras and sensors of Tesla vehicles work in such a way that they are able to "see" not only further than a person but also scan those sections of the road that a person cannot see. This gives Autopilot the unique ability to prevent collisions that the human driver is not capable of. The video taken during this incident demonstrated this very well, as the Tesla escaped the collision, while other cars driven by human drivers became victims of the accident.

In the US, car accidents occur every 479,000 miles, according to NHTSA data. Meanwhile, Tesla reported that, in Q3 2020, the company recorded one accident for every 4.59 million miles driven in which drivers had Autopilot engaged. These data demonstrate Tesla Autopilot's superior safety performance--which has been to shown to be almost 10 times safer than a human driver.

© 2020, Eva Fox. All rights reserved.


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About the Author

Eva Fox

Eva Fox

Eva Fox joined Tesmanian in 2019 to cover breaking news as an automotive journalist. The main topics that she covers are clean energy and electric vehicles. As a journalist, Eva is specialized in Tesla and topics related to the work and development of the company.

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