
Tesla Car Saves Family with a Newborn from Freezing in Texas

Tesla Car Saves Family with a Newborn from Freezing in Texas

Photo: Dreamcase/YouTube

A deadly winter storm pummeling middle and south Texas has left more than 4 million people without power, as record-low temperatures overwhelmed the state's electric grid. With no electricity, many of them were left without heaters to warm themselves and their homes. A Tesla Model 3 owner shared the story of how his car saved his family, including a newborn baby, from freezing at night.

In Texas, as the power grid struggles to keep up with record-high demand amid an historic outbreak of cold weather, people are turning to a variety of heating options. Tesla owner u/Razzooz/Reddit shared the story of how his Model 3 saved his family. He said that his neighborhood was left without electricity for 6 hours while the temperature outside was very low. There is no other way of heating in his house other than electrical appliances, so he had to improvise.

Razzooz revealed that they had a newborn daughter, so they couldn't just cover her with a few blankets and go to bed in the house. He and his wife decided to spend the night in their Model 3, which could safely keep the whole family and their dog warm for the whole night. Razzooz was very pleased that he had this wonderful opportunity and the family spent this cold night comfortably and warmly.

"So my wife my dog ​​and my newborn daughter slept in the garage in our Model 3 all nice and cozy. If I didn't have this car, it would have been a very rough night."

My Tesla kept my family from freezing last night. from r/teslamotors

Because the Model 3 is a pure EV, the family was able to spend the night safely. This is not the first time Tesla cars have saved the lives of their owners in atypical situations.

Meanwhile, heating from a car with an internal combustion engine can be dangerous. NBC News reports that, tragically, two people including a child were found dead from carbon monoxide poisoning after a car was used to generate heat in a Houston home hit by widespread power outages from the rare winter storm.

© 2021, Eva Fox. All rights reserved.


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About the Author

Eva Fox

Eva Fox

Eva Fox joined Tesmanian in 2019 to cover breaking news as an automotive journalist. The main topics that she covers are clean energy and electric vehicles. As a journalist, Eva is specialized in Tesla and topics related to the work and development of the company.

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