Tesla GF4 Supporters' 2nd Demo Highlights the Youth's Urgency to Take On Climate Change

Tesla Gigafactory 4 supporters in Grünheide have gathered once again in a demonstration to show how welcome the EV automaker is in the area. This is the second time GF4 supporters have gathered to show the next-gen tech and auto company and the world that there are people in the community enthusiastic about Tesla in Grünheide.

According to Tesla enthusiast @Gf4Tesla, about 70 people attended the event with more coming and joining the demo. Some have brought their own Tesla vehicles to the event as well.

Compared to the Tesla supporters' first demonstration, the second demo seems to be more well equipped. Food tents have been set up, serving pea soup. Authorities, like the police, were also present at the event.

Fellow Tesla supporter @EmilSenkel shared a video of the event. From the video, it can be seen that Grünheide has a tight-knit community of Tesla supporters--both young and those who have weathered more years.

As can be seen from the featured image of this article, there were quite a few people from the younger generation present at the demo. Let that picture remind the world why Tesla and other companies like it are essential right now.

Sustainability isn't about business. It isn't supposed to be a gimmick. It's a step towards humanity taking responsibility towards the consequences we've reaped upon the Earth, nature, and the environment around us.

If not for ourselves, we must at least try to become better for future generations. As Greta Thunberg once pointed out, the older generation may not see the urgency of climate change. But the younger generation does because it is a direct threat to them.

Tesla CEO Elon Musk has been pretty open about the company's aim of helping transition the world towards sustainability. While Tesla will not be able to take on something as massive as climate change head-on, its products, from its electric cars to energy devices, are designed to give people a more environmentally-friendly alternative lifestyle. And this, it seems, is a mission worth supporting for the youth in Grünheide.


The protesters against Gigafactory 4's construction had an anti-Tesla demonstration scheduled against the demo for Tesla supporters. The protest did not happen for unknown reasons thus far. It seems like this time Tesla supporters won the day. 

Featured Image Credit: @Gf4Tesla/Twitter

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Claribelle Deveza

Claribelle Deveza

Longtime writer and news/book editor. Writing about Tesla allows me to contribute something good to the world, while doing something I love.

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