
Tesla's New-Gen Roadster Will Be Better at 'basically every metric' than Originally Planned

Tesla's New-Gen Roadster Will Be Better at 'basically every metric' than Originally Planned

Image: Brittany Levine Beckman/Mashable

Tesla's new-generation Roadster will be better in “basically every metric” than originally stated, Tesla chief designer Franz von Holzhausen said. The long wait for the car will definitely be richly rewarded.

Franz von Holzhausen joined the Ride the Lightning podcast with Ryan McCaffrey where he talked about Tesla and its products. Among other things, he shared some information about the new generation Roadster. von Holzhausen once again explained that the delay in the start of the car’s production is due to the fact that Tesla's main priority is the mass production of electric vehicles. In the case of Roadster, it is a limited edition car aimed at a more affluent audience rather than the mass market, so it is not in the spotlight yet. In the face of a global component shortage, Tesla has focused on making more affordable car models to help drive the adoption of electric vehicles rather than trying to produce a limited number of expensive cars.

However, this delay in the start of production will definitely have many positives. von Holzhausen said that while Roadster 2.0 was being developed, the Tesla team learned a lot and created new technologies that ended up being much better. For example, the Plaid platform has yielded a lot of knowledge and experience that will lead to the creation of a car that is even better than the original Roadster 2.0 idea. The Chief Designer said that at the moment, the company has already managed to improve “basically every metric” that was planned in the prototype.

“We're developing the car. I think you know we have priorities as a company, and the priorities are mass electrification. And Roadster is not a mass product. So unfortunately, you know it takes its kind of position, but we are working on it in earnest. And I think the time that we’ve taken has enabled us to really improve on basically every metric that we set out to establish when we first debuted that.”

von Holzhausen also spoke to the performance of the new generation Roadster:

“I think if you can just extrapolate the performance and the usability of a Plaid Model S, and you can imagine where that could go, then I think your imagination takes you where we're headed as well, in the capability and how much better the Roadster will be and the weight will be absolutely worth it. If you think about it, a Plaid Model S basically hits all the metrics that we said the Roadster could do, which seemed impossible for a car at that time. So imagine, let your imagination run a little bit.”

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Eva Fox

Eva Fox

Eva Fox joined Tesmanian in 2019 to cover breaking news as an automotive journalist. The main topics that she covers are clean energy and electric vehicles. As a journalist, Eva is specialized in Tesla and topics related to the work and development of the company.

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