Gigafactory 3

Exclusive: Tesla Gigafactory 3 Photos Hint at Impending Mass MIC Model 3 Deliveries

Recently, photos from Tesla's Gigafactory 3 in Shanghai show a massive amount of MIC Model 3 units ready for delivery. The factory has been dropping massive hints lately about the MIC Model 3’s imminent delivery. These latest photos could indicate how soon those deliveries may occur.

Based on the photos, a vast amount of Made-in-China Model 3 units are ready for transport to delivery centers all over the country. Tesla’s all-electric sedans can be seen in multiple car carriers and lined up in Gigafactory 3’s lot. The Shanghai mega factory has already been transporting Model 3 units to delivery centers all over China, but these latest photos hint at one big delivery happening sometime soon.

For the last couple of weeks, car carriers filled with MIC Model 3s have been seen leaving Gigafactory 3. As soon as the car carriers are loaded, they usually head straight for the delivery centers, but the ones in the photos seem to be parked as though they are waiting for something.


Credit: Tesmanian

More Model 3 units can be seen lined up beside the car carriers and parked in various spots around Gigafactory 3. The scene depicted in the photos sort of mimic Jason Yang's video of GF3 a couple days ago. Except this time, there are multiple car carriers parked in Gigafactory 3's lot.

On Christmas Eve, Tesla China teased MIC Model 3 deliveries during a holiday greeting to the community. The teaser simply stated: “China made Model 3 will be delivered to customers soon, stay tuned.” There was no specific date for MIC Model 3 deliveries announced.


Credit: Tesmanian

Many Tesla enthusiasts have been closely watching Gigafactory 3 for any indications that Model 3 deliveries would start since the facility received its sales and distribution license. GF3 did seem to come alive once it received the green light to sell Tesla’s all-electric sedan.

Car carriers filled with Gigafactory 3’s Model 3 units have been leaving the facility for weeks now. But no matter how many all-electric sedans are transported out of GF3, more and more cars just end up being parked on the premises, indicating that mass production is underway. It seemed like GF3 was pumping out cars just as fast as it was delivering them. 


Credit: Tesmanian

In mid-December, reservation holders who preordered the locally-made Model 3 received a notification from Tesla China about their impending deliveries. According to the announcement, a Tesla delivery specialist would be in contact with the future MIC Model 3 owner within a week. That timeline fits perfectly with the photos mentioned above.

The notifications were sent around December 15. Following the timeline set by Tesla China’s notification, Tesla’s delivery specialists probably contacted future MIC Model 3 owners a few days before Christmas eve, specifically December 22-23.

One of the pieces of information delivery specialists were supposed to discuss with the new Tesla owner would be the actual delivery date and location of their locally-made Model 3. This means the delivery date and location of Model 3 units have already been set but are currently unknown to the public, but it may be sooner than most have speculated. 

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Claribelle Deveza

Claribelle Deveza

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