
Giga Press Minor Fire Extinguished at Tesla's Fremont Factory, Possible Return to Operation in a Few Days

Photo: Fremont Fire Department/Facebook

Yesterday, a Giga Press at Tesla's Fremont factory caught fire, which was quickly extinguished. No Tesla personnel or fire brigade was injured. The cause of the fire hints that the Giga Press can be repaired shortly and return to full operation.

On March 11, at 4:27 PM, Fremont firefighters answered a call to Tesla's Fremont factory. At the scene of the incident, "the deep-seated fire was contained to a vehicle manufacturing stamping machine" was reported. Video from the scene showed white smoke coming from Giga Press.

Fremont firefighters coordinated the firefighting effort with Tesla's Fire Response team and took full control of the fire. Two Fremont Fire engines and one truck remain at the scene monitoring the fire, according to a Facebook post from the fire station. None of the Tesla workers or the firefighters who arrived at the scene were injured. All Fremont Fire crews were released from the incident at the Tesla Factory by 7 PM. The Tesla Fire Response Team will continue to monitor the scene. Cause of the fire "is molten aluminum and hydraulic fluid. Hydraulic fluid was identified as the source of the fire."

A hydraulic system uses pressurised fluid to drive machinery. Most hydraulic fluids are combustible and a compromised hydraulic system, in combination with an ignition source, can lead to a fire. This is exactly what happened: the hydraulic fluid hit the molten aluminum, which was very hot.

According to people familiar with this type of fire in casting machines, their consequences can be eliminated in a few days and boil down to cleaning the sand used to extinguish this fire, cleaning and replacing parts, if necessary. Judging by the video, which shows that the workers are in close proximity to Giga Press, and the statement of the firemen, this was a frivolous fire. Thus, the giant machine is expected to return to operation shortly.

© 2021, Eva Fox. All rights reserved.


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About the Author

Eva Fox

Eva Fox

Eva Fox joined Tesmanian in 2019 to cover breaking news as an automotive journalist. The main topics that she covers are clean energy and electric vehicles. As a journalist, Eva is specialized in Tesla and topics related to the work and development of the company.

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