Elon Musk

SpaceX 's Real-Life Starman Inspires People To Explore New Frontiers

SpaceX’s real life Starman has chosen to inspire people to continue exploring new frontiers. In a recent talk with the real life Starman, Tesmanian gained some insight into why space exploration is important not just to Eli Burton who portrays SpaceX’s superhero, but to humanity as a whole. 

The Genesis of The Adventures of Starman Comic Book 

Founder of My Tesla Adventure Eli Burton lives the life of a superhero, but not in the conventional comic book sense. He started his life of heroism soon after SpaceX’s successful Falcon Heavy launch on February 6, 2018. 

Burton had always been a big fan of space and really wanted to see humanity return to the Moon, travel to Mars, and develop outposts in it. So for him, SpaceX’s Falcon Heavy launch was proof that his dreams would come true, and that Elon Musk—the man leading humanity into this new frontier—was capable of doing it. 

Five days after the Falcon Heavy launch in 2018, Burton still couldn’t get Starman out of his head. “Starman has all the makings of a real-life superhero, he’s just missing his own comic universe,” said Burton to his friend. To which his friend replied, “Then you need to go make it.”

His friend's simple phrase and subtle show of support was enough for Burton to turn his dream into reality. Within 24 hours, he hired his lead artist and Burton’s journey with The Adventures of Starman comic began. By the end of that week, the cover art was finished. 


Credit: Tesmanian

The Origin Story of the Real Life Starman

Starman was undoubtedly one of the most exciting parts of the Falcon Heavy launch in 2018. When he was released from his capsule riding Elon Musk’s Roadster to the tune of David Bowie’s Life on Mars, Starman became an inspiration, an aspiration for people on Earth, and a symbol of humanity’s potential. 

Eli Burton knew this as he watched Starman launch into Space—chill as a cucumber with one hand gently leaning on his Roadster’s driver-side door. Burton could feel the start of a new beginning for humanity when his eyes set sight on Starman floating in Space amongst the stars away from Earth. Others could feel it, too, but it didn’t last long. 

Over time, the memory of SpaceX’s unparalleled achievement and Starman’s venture into the new frontier were nearly forgotten. The Falcon Heavy’s most notable human achievement and the pride it brought to us Earthlings faded, much like the time after the Apollo 11 mission to the Moon. 

Humanity’s voyage to the Moon was the first time people dared to venture past the Earth’s boundaries and venture towards the stars. Apollo 11’s launch held the entire planet’s attention with bated breath. The mission to the Moon wasn’t one single person’s achievement--it was the accomplishment of all humankind. 

Unfortunately, humanity didn’t dare travel past the Moon after 1972, when Apollo 17 landed on the lunar surface. The world turned away from the stars and focused its attention back on Earth. Then Elon Musk and SpaceX shook everyone awake again, and made them turn back to the stars and dream once more. 

Starman embodies Elon Musk’s dream, Eli Burton’s dream, and probably a lot of others on Earth which was this: to strive for inspiration and lead humanity where it's never gone before. Space is the perfect place to find inspiration and new discoveries because it is endless and therefore boundless.

Starman captured that dream in one moment as he was launched into Space. However, Burton knew Starman didn’t deserve to be just a moment, he needed to be a movement. In order for Starman to be a movement, Burton felt he needed to return to the physical world. Hence Real Life Starman was born.

Real Life Starman’s Mission

Eli Burton created The Adventures of Starman comics to revive people’s interest in space and its exploration. He wants to keep the spark of inspiration for Space alive for people like him and the younger generation. 

In the end, Starman has become a real superhero. And Eli Burton has become a hero himself for daring to give life to Starman. 

Featured Image Credit: @EliBurton_/Twitter

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Claribelle Deveza

Claribelle Deveza

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