Giga Berlin

Tesla Giga Berlin KUKA Robots Ready for Install as Production Rapidly Approaches

Tesla Giga Berlin KUKA Robots Ready for Install as Production Rapidly Approaches

Photos: @gigafactory_4/Twitter

Giga Berlin will be part of Tesla's global growth in 2021, as Model Y for the European market will roll off the assembly line from mid-year. The construction of the factory continues, and within just seven months from the start of construction, the outer shell of the building is almost complete. Internal work continues, and industrial robots will soon be installed on production lines.

In its Q4 2020 earnings report, Tesla announced that construction of the Berlin plant is continuing as planned, and the company has already begun moving equipment into the building. In late January, @gigafactory_4/Twitter noticed activity near Tesla's warehouses, where the company has the equipment to be installed in the factory. The truck was loaded with a huge Geico Taikisha paint dipping tank. Accompanied by a police convoy, the equipment was delivered to the territory of Giga Berlin.

On February 5, the construction progress observer again noticed interesting activity. @gigafactory_4 spotted that KUKA industrial robots were located near and in Tesla's warehouse. More than 20 robots can be seen in the photos, six of which were outside, and the rest were partially or fully visible in the warehouse.

According to the photos, it seems that these are robots that can be used for spot welding, laser welding, handling, and loading of materials and other stages of production in a wide variety of workshops, depending on how they will be programmed.

At the moment, Tesla has not yet received the final environmental building permit, so it cannot start installing equipment in all buildings. The company received preliminary permission to install equipment in the Paint Shop, and as soon as it receives the final permission, all the necessary equipment will be installed in all workshops as soon as possible.

© 2021, Eva Fox. All rights reserved.


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Article edited by @SmokeyShorts, you can follow him on Twitter

About the Author

Eva Fox

Eva Fox

Eva Fox joined Tesmanian in 2019 to cover breaking news as an automotive journalist. The main topics that she covers are clean energy and electric vehicles. As a journalist, Eva is specialized in Tesla and topics related to the work and development of the company.

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