
Elon Musk Considers Upgrading Tesla Cybertruck's Storage, Making It More Appealing To Pick-Up Truck Users

Featured Image Credit: Tesla

The Tesla Cybertruck could get a storage upgrade. Elon Musk received a modification suggestion for the CYBRTRK from TSLA enthusiast @TeslaTruckClub, which he said was "worth considering."

"It would be great if the Cybertruck's rear window could roll down into the rear wall and then the whole wall fold in on top of folded rear seats. Perfect for camping when Tonneau is closed, and for carrying things longer than 8' @elonmusk," tweeted @TeslaTruckClub.

Many Tesla enthusiasts, who are also excited for Cybertruck production to begin, agreed that @TeslaTruckClub's suggestion would be a useful modification, especially for truck owners who use their pickups for work.

For instance, Reddit user, u/TheYeags, commented on the modification, saying: "This is huge! I really hope Tesla does this as it will be the difference in many people buying or not. The extra length is very important to me and my father who [are] homebuilder[s]. Can't tell you how many times his Chevy Avalanche has saved the day with its fold-down rear seats section. "

The Tesla Cybertruck may already have appealing features for people like u/TheYeags and his father, who use pickups for work daily. The CYBRTRK's 120-volt and 240-volt power outlets are examples of features that could appeal to avid truck users. In fact, there is a market for pickup owners looking to add fossil fuel generators to the back of their vehicles for work. So an electric outlet is one thoughtful feature indeed.

The modification @TeslaTruckClub suggested for the Cybertruck could be another thoughtful detail Elon Musk could add to TSLA's first EV pickup. Many Cybertruck fans agreed that it would be useful for the rear-seats to fold down for camping, too.

Even though it was a great suggestion, many wondered how Tesla and Elon Musk would add the modification to the Cybertruck. Redditor, u/M3FanOZ pointed out: "The only tricky part is how the Tonneau cover stows...I assume it has to be inside the part which folds down..." Other redditors responded with their solutions for the Tonneau cover to incorporate the modification.

Ultimately, the final design of the Cybertruck will be up to Elon Musk and Tesla. So far, there have been some slight improvements to the Cybertruck's design before mass production. Whether @TeslaTruckClub's suggestion will make it for the first iteration of the CYBRTRK or its more compact version is unclear. However, it is certain that Cybertruck reservation holders will be receiving one very unique pickup. 

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Ma. Claribelle Deveza

Ma. Claribelle Deveza

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