Giga Nevada

Tesla Gigafactory 1 Nevada To Reopen on May 4th

Tesla Gigafactory 1 Nevada To Reopen on May 4th

According to KoloTV, Tesla's board of directors learned late Thursday the Giga Nevada in Sparks is scheduled to reopen May 4th, said President and CEO of the Economic Development Authority of Western Nevada, Mike Kazmierski.

A number of rules will be introduced to ensure employee safety. At some workstations it is necessary to wear masks, and to supplement the protocols of social distance, any employee, of his own free will, can also use a face mask. Employees will also have access to gloves in PPE vending machines for normal work needs and disposable gloves will be available across production areas in the cafe.

Special briefings will be held on security measures and compliance with social distance protocols. Throughout the day, frequent disinfection of workstations and objects with a high level of touch will be carried out. In addition, hand sanitizers will be provided to employees at the entrance to the building.

Transportation shuttles are going to be allowed to reach up to 30% capacity. The additional room on the employee shuttles will enable seats to remain empty, giving workers the ability to sit at least six feet apart.

Source: theverge

In addition, Tesla will measure the body temperature of workers arriving at the plant as a measure to prevent the spread of COVID-19. For this, the infrared thermometer AOJ-20F, which is a medical non-contact thermometer, will be used. Workers who come to work with fever will be asked to return home.

If there is a confirmed COVID-19 case at Tesla, the Company's protocol is to interview the individual, investigate their whereabouts and speak with their managers to determine the best of their ability who had contact with the individual at work. Tesla representatives will speak with all individuals who had direct and extended contact, and those individuals will be asked to self-quarantine to watch for symptoms.

For workstations and tasks with employees less than six feet apart, Tesla engineering teams have built workstation partitions to protect operators from COVID-19. Where barriers couldn't be erected quickly, workstations were de-staffed and production line outputs reduced or paused.

Featured image: theverge

About the Author

Eva Fox

Eva Fox

Eva Fox joined Tesmanian in 2019 to cover breaking news as an automotive journalist. The main topics that she covers are clean energy and electric vehicles. As a journalist, Eva is specialized in Tesla and topics related to the work and development of the company.

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